A good start, but there's plenty of room for more complication if it seems good.
>>If he's planning on becoming a god (and it might be considered odd
>>if he didn't !) then he will be >getting people to worship him.
>Before the apotheosis?
ILH-2 will have specific details on the Lunar process - and if you really can't wait the specific chapter is available to GTA initiates now. But, even if you rely on the material on the Q&A pages at glorantha.com, worshipping Moirades would do nothing useful in itself - but setting it up now would give the would-be God a head start on recruiting worshippers. (But I really suggest that you avoid going into too much detail before you read ILH-2).
>>And what does Pharandros really think about his father's plan?
>I would say, he doesn't know a lot at this time, but he strongly
>dissaproves it. Of course, he could change his mind later (specially
>if the plan is a Good Thing for him).
Well that's food for potential conflict. Especially if the player characters try to work with Pharandros and then he finds a good reason to change his mind,
-- -- "The T'ang emperors were strong believers in the pills of immortality. More emperors died of poisoning from ingesting minerals in the T'ang than in any other dynasty" - Eva Wong _The Shambhala Guide to Taoism_ Paul K. ------------------------------
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