> YGWV notwithstanding, how plausible is it that our purple
> friend could be a double agent, and for what side?
(spluttering noises, then I remind myself that the more improbable the idea, the more potential fun, and that one of my many half-completed stories has the Lunars trying to persuade Kallyr to change sides.)
He has stats in OiD. They don't include "Hate Lunars", but they do include "Iron Ring of Sartar 15W". This isn't a good start. He holds "Sartar's Pen", in fact.
He came up with most of the ideas in the Rebellion in 1613.
In the 1620s, he's known, accepted, and trusted, as a lot of the brains behind the Rebellion.
It may be theoretically possible that he's (very) secretly on the Lunar side. If he is, the Rebellion has no chance at all. There is no way that he's a double the other way round. Or, he could be a triple. Obvious Sartar agent, pretending to be a double reporting to the Lunars, actually a triple who really is loyal to Sartar.
Look at his four storms. "Eye Man" - Devotee of the Grey Ones, with abilities including "Read/Write Pelorian 10W2". Who's he? Where did he get that from? Could he be a Lunar, turned to the Sartarites? Or at least, supposedly turned to the Sartarites? Now *he* could be a double - or possibly triple.
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