Now there's a first!
> I think there is virtually no chance that Minaryth is a double agent
Agreed. It *might* be possible to invent a story in which he was, without contradicting already-published material, but it would be hard work. If he was, the Rebellion would have been over, along time ago.
> (about as likely as Kallyr is a double agent)
Let me think about that one, after all, every time the Lunars have beaten the Sartarites in the last 20 years or so, she's been involved - then again, maybe not :)
> and I strongly doubt that there will ever be any Issaries
> publication that even permits an inference that he is a
> "double agent".
As an actual fact, I agree. As a rumour believed by a few madmen - well, you never know. (Job for the PCs - go and deal with the madmen.)
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