The Pharaoh

From: Jeff Richard <>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 08:38:34 -0700

>* ISTR a fragment from Greg in one the fanzine a few years
*>* back that was a letter from the Pharoah to himself, sort
*>* of reminding himself what he had to do once he'd gone
*> *back in time. I can't remember which one, unfortunately,
*>* nor the title, nor anything else I could use to search
*>* for it :( Anyone know more?

Greg and I were discussing the Pharaoh a couple months ago. I don't think that the Pharaoh is "being from the future" - but an extraordinary being that has messed with the cosmic laws of Glorantha. In many ways, Belintar is a parallel to the Red Goddess (and a potential rival to Her). There are huge difference as well, but both of them appear to have been trying to mix the magics together and unify the realms. The Pharaoh just seems to do that with his person. The Goddess does that with her new Lunar realm.  For example, the Pharaoh posits himself as the unknown Sixth Element in Hepherones Philosophy (yeah, it looks really obvious that it is supposed to be the Moon, but that's because we are more familiar with the Lunar claims than the Pharaoh's). This really spooks some powerful Lunars who view the Pharaoh as a usurping rival to the Red Goddess.  At least some factions within the Lunar Empire have been worried about the Pharaoh since long before the conquest of Sartar - they've been heroquesting to learn more about the Pharaoh for at least two generations. Jar-Eel's defeat and evisceration of the Pharaoh was the culmination of many years of rituals, ceremonies and plots by the Lunars. In fact, many powerful Lunars supported the invasion of the Holy County in 1619 as a means of making sure the Pharaoh did not return. Ensuring the defeat of the Pharaoh, not the collapse of the various Sixths, was the main goal.  

 Anyways, just some food for thought -


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