> Careful here with the blanket statements. It is perfectly
> possible for a
> patriot to pretend to spy for the opposite side and feed it
> out-of-date
> info, and to uphold a useful information channel.
Oh, yes, I'm quite sure that both Kallyr and Minaryth *employ* agents, double agents, and triple agents. If only because I once had a PC who was one. At one point at least three intelligence agencies thought she was working for them.
It's the idea of either of Kallyr or Minaryth *being* a double that I find very hard to swallow. *Really* being on the Lunar side. No. Nor yet any Lunar believing that they were.
Personal loyalties to individuals who happen to be Lunar, yes, quite possibly. Conflicts caused by it, yes. But actually believing that the Lunars are right, and wanting them to win? No.
> I can certainly see someone in the Iron Ring having close personal
> connections with some Lunar _faction_ and feeding them some
> information.
I'm sure of it. And who is using who is an interesting question - I doubt if either side is sure of the answer.
> Remember the Good Empire unconclusive discussion? An inspired
> (non-Lunars
> would say mad) Tarshite scheme might aim at getting rid of the Assiday
> influence. I still think that some of the rebels had inside
> contacts with the attendant Lunars to get to their positions...
I expect most of the Rebellion activity leading up to the Dragonrise is intelligence and counter-intelligence related.
> > Generals, priests, nobles, magicians, heroes and would-be heroes -
> > all lost.
> All of them friendly to Tatius.
It makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? Hmm... Thinking about an NPC in a story, who I know is anti-Tatius... I was going to detail him for Dragonrise, I think I just found an even better reason to do so.
> Once again, Fazzur is astonishingly ready to respond to the
> uprising...
Very true.
And as I added:
> > He .. promptly
> > leaves at just the right time to be sure Kallyr's Sartarite
> army wins.
Fall of Whitewall to Dragonrise, I believe Fazzur spent some time in Esrolia getting romantic, and some time sulking. Kallyr's location for much of this period is unspecified. But I'm getting the distinct impression that communication was going on.
> > Do either Kallyr or Minaryth realise that the nice friendly
> people who're
> > helping them are actually using them as pawns in Lunar
> politics? And -
> > yes, yet more complication! Have they both been "hired" by
> the same lot?
This is still an interesting question.
> > Minaryth is one of those eaten by the dragon, remember!
> Only his boots.
Oops, sorry, you're right. He was dead at the time, but not due to the dragon.
> Fazzur's son calls in the Argraths to deal with Moirades, too...
Yes.... And that's a different *Sartarite* political party!
> How did Min get the marching order for the battle of
> Minaryth's Flood (aka Hill of Orlanth Victorious) in 1613?
That was while Euglyptus was still in command. I expect his command structure was about 50% Sartarite spies by that time. Fazzur moving in was a real problem for the Rebellion, not only because he was competent, but because he brought in a new structure that they didn't get time to infiltrate.
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 257
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