> My initial thought is that a major player like MP is going to
> be under suspicion and pressure to play for the Lunars. Thus
> he is a double agent, as he is really working for the
> Rebellion.
> I have been thinking that his (MP) motivation for sending the
> PC's characters family to their deaths was that to not do so
> would have revealed him as a rebel.
It's an interesting idea, but in the 1613 rebellion MP was well known by both sides to be anti-Lunar.
Still, later on he seems to spend a lot of time in the Jonstown temple, without being arrested and executed. Possibly the Lunars think he's repented, and is at least neutral and willing to help them, when in fact he's even deeper in the rebellion than he was before. That makes him a source of information both ways, not really trusted by either side. The rebellion leaders know what side he's really on, the rank and file don't.
Is that what you're suggesting? If so, it makes sense to me.
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 258
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