Good Day Gentlefolk,
Gosh, it's been a while since I've been here, but I see lots of familiar
faces (many of whom share two or three other lists with me!) I have
some questions. I'm about to run an RQ2 game, all the characters are
Bison Tribe, it starts about a year prior to Moonbroth, and will lead up
to and through those events, into the tribe's (or what's left of them)
exile in the Wastes. I have a fair-ish bit of info about Prax, but am
also missing an awful lot. There are some very specific things that I'd
like to know, and I would value any input from your good selves. I was
thinking of asking these questions as separate posts, but then I
thought, What the Hell? I may as well get them all out into the open
air. I hope that this does not make this post prohibitively long. If
your answers just involve directions to a specific link, that's all to
the good, otherwise, I await your wise pronouncements with baited
- Moonbroth. What *exactly* happened there? I've read loads of brief
descriptions, but have yet to read a detailed account. Who exactly
fought on each side? Was it an utter massacre or merely a rout, with
the losers fleeing in all directions? Was Moonbroth itself a developed
settlement at that point, or did all that come after the Lunar victory?
Also, did any Waha Khans summon Founder Spirits to fight on their side,
or was there not time to do so once the necessity became plain?
- Oakfed. Are there any detailed write-ups of the Oakfed cult as
applicable to Praxians, or details of how Waha Shamans interact with
him? Any other stuff about Shamanic Societies in Prax would also be
- The Block. I see in recent writings, that Storm Bull worshippers
believe the Block to be the Storm Bull's Heart, where I always thought
it was just a chunk of the Spike that he summoned. Are the
Storm-bullers just deluding themselves here, or are both interpretations
wholly valid?
- Why was Jaldon cursed not to be able to return to Prax? Was it
something to do with violating the pact that Waha and Eiritha had made
with Pavis to allow peaceful coexistence? And why did all the nomads
unite to frag Pavis anyway? It seems an odd thing to agree on when they
are not in the habit of concerted action.
- Are there any detailed maps or just details of Genert's Desert
anywhere accessible, or descriptions of life for tribes who were exiled
there during the Lunar occupation? I seem to recall reading that tribes
tended to spend years at a time in the Wastes even before Moonbroth, is
that right?
- Eiritha. Did Eiritha ever have a direct link to the Earth Rune? She
is sometimes described as an Earth goddess, but is not listed in Earth
Pantheon lists, and does not own the Earth Rune, despite being a
daughter of Ernalda. Was it sacrificed when she lent her power to the
Bull during the battle with Wakboth, or did she never have it in the
first place? Also, as she *is* an Earth goddess, at least by descent,
is there any sense of kinship between her and Maran Gor, such as would
permit MG to be an acceptable cult for a female Praxian to join, and
remain in the Tribe?
- Where can one find an in depth write up of the Paps? Again, as many
non-Praxian Earth cults are found there, is Maran Gor one of them?
- Praxettes. What fighting or adventuring cults are suitable for
female Praxians to join (there are several women in my game group, they
won't all want to follow Eiritha) and still remain with the Tribe? Is
there any reason that women should not or cannot become shamen?
(shawomen if you will) either via Daka Fal, or indeed Eiritha?
- Am I right in thinking that although Waha is a male-only cult, male
Praxians can (and tend to be) lay members of Eiritha regardless of other
cult ties?
Best regards, thanks in advance for any help you can give me on these,
and sorry again for the length of this post.
Cheers --