> Gosh, it's been a while since I've been here, but I see lots
> of familiar
> faces (many of whom share two or three other lists with me!)
(Waves) Hi Malk!
> I'm about to run an RQ2 game, all the characters are
> Bison Tribe,
> 5. Are there any detailed maps or just details of Genert's Desert
> anywhere accessible,
Drastic Prax, centrefold. See you in the pub in a few weeks.
> 6. Eiritha.
Notes in Drastic Prax pp40-41, it says full cult write up in Tales 14. Not that I can find any obvious answers to your questions in either.
> 8. Praxettes. What fighting or adventuring cults are suitable for
> female Praxians to join (there are several women in my game
> group, they
> won't all want to follow Eiritha) and still remain with the Tribe? Is
> there any reason that women should not or cannot become shamen?
> (shawomen if you will) either via Daka Fal, or indeed Eiritha?
Here we can get quite specific, as Drastic Prax gives cult distributions, complete with D100 rolls Dunno if the layout will work...
Bison Tribe.: m/f
Ancestor worship 01-07 01-07 Bright Treasure 08-09 - Dark Eater 10-12 08-10 Eiritha - 11-89 Humakt 13-16 - Storm Bull 17-24 90-93 Waha 25-94 - Other/shaman 95 94 Lunar 96 95-96
I find it odd that there are no female Humakti, myself. Dark Eater, BTW, is a sort of spirit version of Zorak Zoran. "Popular" with Morocanth.
That Orlanth pantheon bit at the bottom of course gives your female adventuring types access to Vinga. (There's a temple in Pavis). But it has been suggested that Storm Bull suits Bison Riders better.
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