>>And personally I have no idea
And then still left silent? After all, we still pronounce it "Fair"-"oh", no glottal stop, no nuffin. And I know me glo'al stops, I do, coming from Lu'on!
> The Hebrew name for the city
> 'Amora -- you know, the next town over from Sodom -- also
> begins with an
> ayin, but our conventional transliteration represents *that* glottal
> with a 'g', 'Gomorrah'. I suppose the god-king of the Nile
> valley could
> have ended up called 'Phargoh'. Yah sure, you betcha...)
Sounds a bit like Welsh. A vowel at the start of a word may, or may not, have a "G" stuck on the front, depending on where it comes in the sentence (or other list of words). So my husband's second name is "Wyn", but his cousin's first name is "Gwyn" - same name.
How to generate yet more Gloranthan names, in one easy lesson...
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