Thanks so much, Nick, for the links to Moonson stuff. Very inspiring indeed! "Choked to death on a catamite", oh, my. Oh, my. Words do fail.
So, open questions to everyone who's interested. I was wondering about heroquesting in a freeform. I've been in some, and they seem very hard to do convincingly. "Birth of the Goddess", where it was the name and overriding aim of the freeform, comes to mind especially. If a character or characters decide that they want to re-enact one, what are the best ways to stage them? Prep 'em with the whole story of what their gods did in the write-ups, and let them get on with it? Direct them to get a ref if they want to try?
As a concrete example, what about the LBQ? Has the original Godtime quest has ever been completely written. If so, then of course the writer would really want to have that as a reference. It's one of the biggies, and presumably fairly complex, so would it be too difficult to run as a subplot?
My personal feeling is that this should be an awesome experience for the players, and therefore not something tossed off lightly as a two or three minute ritual that they duly report to the ref. Yet it could be quite a strain on the ref to come up with appropriate narration and directions in response to the players' actions. Not to mention sucking up a lot of ref time.
This does have a practical side, as Ian and I are trying to put together a freeform. I'd like to know the limits that other gamers have found reasonable.
I'm happy to respond offlist if the moderators get tired of this thread!
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