> After all these years, I still cannot figure out how
> priest magic works.
> Do I have to sacrifice the power points to get the
> spells? And if so,
> do I have to wait forever to get the POW back? If
> so, it just seems
> to me that a priest can cast one or two cool spells,
> then he's done for the next nine months.
> What am I missing?
> Help! If I could figure out this one rule, I'd
> really like the game.
The question is, which game? It sounds as if you're talking about some form of RuneQuest? If so, my memories suggest that priests have their divine magic/rune magic (RQ3/RQ2) as reusable. To get the spell in the first place, they sacrifice POW (not magic points, POW).
To cast the spell, they use magic points (also called POW in RQ2?). Then they pray in their temple for a few hours, and then they can use it again.
ISTR that to become a priest, you need POW 18, but to become a Rune Lord, you need POW 15. I've felt in the past that that three-point difference is because the first thing the new priest does is to sacrifice for the spells required to do his job, that he probably didn't have before.
Disclaimer - it's a long time since I used this in play, and I don't have books with me.
Jane Williams
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