>OK, the earlier post about priests and Rune magic made me come back to
>something that has puzzled me before - exactly what Rune magic shamans
>are entitled to, and how they go about getting it. As all my questions
>have been thus far, I'm talking about Praxian traditions primarily, and
>I'm talking about RQ2.
A Shaman has rune magic if he is also a rune priest.
>The way Daka Fal priesthood is described in
>Cults of Prax feels more like shamanism in any case, with its emphasis
>on communication with ancestral spirits, though some of the spells seem
>to be substitutes for abilities a shaman already has - would a shaman
>need to cast a spell to summon an ancestral spirit, or would he be able
>to simply go on to the spirit plane and find one, perhaps using a family
>heirloom, bone, lock of hair or something as a link?
He needs the spell to reach ancestors.
>In any case, I
>presume that a shaman who follows a Daka Fal tradition would effectively
>be a priest, and have access to Daka Fal Rune spells on that basis.
The requirements for being a shaman and being a priest are different in RQ2.
A shaman would have to have a POW of 18+ and know Spiritspeech at 90% and convince his ancestors (or fellow priests) that he is worthy before becoming a priest of Daka Fal.
>Then we get to the actual Praxian deities, like Waha and Storm Bull. I
>know that in HQ terms, you get into issues like misapplied worship,
For the record, there are no misapplied worship penalties when a Shaman worships Waha because he is a Great Spirit.
> but
>sticking with the RQ format, how does a shaman interact with say, Waha?
In RQ2, he doesn't. In RQ3, Shamans replace Priests in the Waha cult.
>The way I see it, either a shaman is allowed to be an initiate, and to
>purchase spells as an initiate (i.e. single use), or else is granted an
>equivalent status to a priest (while not getting the allied spirit and
>other specific priestly benefits), and may therefore obtain Rune magic
>as if he were a priest.
I would say instead that the RQ2 cult of Waha is blind to one's station as a shaman. Thus shamans can be initiates or priests of the cult depending on their qualifications.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 290
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