> If it's purely a game-mechanic debate, it really doesn't matter, but if
> there is a good rationale for ancestor spirits being more inaccessible
> than yer basic, run-of-the-mill spirit, meaning that anyone, shaman or
> otherwise, would need to cast a spell in order to reach them, I'd be
> interested to hear it.
IMHO this is because Ancestor spirits are assumed to have gone to a special 'happy hunting ground', or it's equivalent, rather than simply having been dumped at a random point on the spirit plane when they died. These are the special protected and blessed domains of the Great Spirits, and therefore they require the special blessings and magic of the Great Spirits to access them, as represented by Divine Magic.
In this context the Great Spirits might be Waha, Storm Bull, Eiritha, tribal founders etc.
Ancestors that did not make it to such places probably ended up as mad ghosts, wraiths, etc and probably wouldn't be recognisable anyway.
Simon Hibbs
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 294
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