It is late in Storm season on a cold, wet, Sartarite night, when Oddi, a young cottar, out watching over the sheep, slips and breaks his leg badly. When his companion, Vastyr finds him, he is soaked to the skin, in obvious pain and unable to return, even leaning on Vastyr's shoulder.
"I need a healer", he says, "Go fetch the Deezolan missionary from the Black Oaks tula"
"Are you sure? The Beveran at Smoke Apples is just as close to here"
"No", he insists, "I want the Deezolan"
"But haven't you always said that the Black Oaks are fools for allowing the missionaries to stay there?"
"Yes, it's true, I did say that"
"And that to listen to the lies of Shepelkirt is next to talking with the devil"
"That sounds Like something I've said, yes"
"And that you'd like to leave the farm and join Kallyr as a warrior, and fight for Sartar's freedom"
"I do recall expressing that sentiment, after a few drinks"
"Then why do you want me to fetch the Deezolan and not the Bevaran?"
Oddi gestured up to the still darkening storm clouds and said
"No man should ask a good Ernaldan to leave the warmth of her hearth on a night like this!"
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