Are you interested in the german language HERO WARS and GLORANTHA books, even if not able to read german?
We, the RuneQuest Gesellschaft e.V. (Chaos Society), have bought all remaining books of MULTISIMs german language printrun, and are able to sell them for cheap:
6.00 EUR per book
10.00 EUR per bundle.
is 320 pages HARDCOVER (17,5 x 24,5 cm / 7 x 9,5 inch), and includes Issaries Inc.s HERO WARS and NARRATORS BOOK in german language, and with very nice cover art.
is 288 pages HARDCOVER (17,5 x 24,5 cm / 7 x 9,5 inch), and is Issaries Inc.s GLORANTHA in german language, with all new illustrations, and with very nice cover art.
If you are interested:
Visit and order them there (ignore the old prices of these two books, they will be updated to the new ones in the near future).
André Jarosch
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