>Carmania (or rather Pelanda) has Rashoran(a) as one of the seven (later 9
>or 10) High Gods.
Rashorana isn't one of the High Gods and it's highly iffy whether the Carmanians consider the Jernotians to be Illuminates (as opposed to whether they actually are).
>I guess it depends whether the family is very Malkioni ("High gods or low,
>it's peasant stuff") or rather theist. In the latter case, Illumination
>might be seen as if not desirable, at least acceptable.
Given that the family is said to be traditional Carmanian, there is no distinction between being very Malkioni and rather theist. Most such Carmanians are theists yet they are no less zealous in their hatred of the Lie.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 306
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