> Rashorana isn't one of the High Gods and it's highly iffy whether the
> Carmanians consider the Jernotians to be Illuminates (as opposed to
> whether they actually are).
The the Carmanian view of Jernotia/us is still a mystery to me. They probably see His/Her "Everything is Change, Everything is Balance" philosophy as being very insidious. It sounds close to the Truth but is significantly different, which is a sure sign of the Lie IMHO. That sex changing thing is a big red flag also.
On the other hand, the Mountain Sages were not exterminated during the many centuries of Carmanian rule. Jernotia/us is also the mythical father/mother of Dendara and Oria according to some regional myths, and both of those goddesses are very prominent in the Carmanian religion.
I suspect that the Carmanians jettisoned Jernotia in those myths, and instead describe Dendara and Oria as emanations of Idovanus (God's Mind) - His qualities of Virtue and Plenty, respectively. This is just speculation, though.
> Given that the family is said to be traditional Carmanian, there is no
> distinction between being very Malkioni and rather theist. Most such
> Carmanians are theists yet they are no less zealous in their hatred of
> the Lie.
Definitely. I see the Carmanian religion as neither "Malkioni" or "Theist" - they are their own thing, similar to the way the Lunars mix magic, but for very different reasons. I will be very interested to see how this is finally described.
~Kevin McD
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