If you mean Dragon Pass the Boardgame (as opposed to Dragon Pass the RPG supplement), then the DT Runners are described (barely) on page 16 of the rule book.
"The Dragontooth runners were a gift to Argrath from an ancient dragon. Normally they have the form of dragon's teeth, and Argrtah keeps them in a pouch at his side. When the prince sows the teeth, warriors spring forth ready to aid him in battle"
Obviously a reference to the dragons teeth used by Cadmus and Jason in Greek myth, which, when sown, produced the Spartes/Spartoi. http://www.theoi.com/Thaumasioi/Spartoi.html
If you go by the best-known version of the myth (the 1963 movie Jason and the Argonauts, with Ray Harryhuasen special effects), sowing dragon's teeth produces skeletons that move in stop-motion. But the Spartoi seem to have been completely human, as one married Cadmus's daughter.
For the DT Runners, look for "barbarians" with antlers or horns on their helmets. High fantasy types, not your generic gaul/viking! Perhaps some Reaper or Rackham figs - a bit bigger than even the current 30-32mm minis.
C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du présent a
fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu
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