>I have Dragon Pass and King of Sartar. Are [the Dragontooth Runners]
>mentioned in any other sources?
A reference that you may have missed is:
The War Teeth were scattered upon the blood red fields of Karnant, and the mouthful of deadly warriors pulverized their foes, and bore the bodies of their victims back to an invisible maw afterwards. King of Sartar p188
One could also interpret the story of Bostanisos the Fang as being a precursor to the Dragontooth Runners:
This was a tribesman who had once sung the magical song which turned his family and friends into parts of teeth. When the great dragons came and devoured all people, the clan was taken into its mouth but they avoided being devoured by the dragon which ate everything else, because they became its teeth there, and helped it to eat instead of being eaten. King of Sartar p177.
So one could either heroically transform to become a runner or one could sow magical teeth in blood-drenched fields. I don't think they are Harry Hausenesque skeletons but humans with armour and weapons made out of teeth (so they would have spikey bits sticking out).
--Peter Metcalfe
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