Re: Esrolia, Nochet

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 13:24:56 +0200 (CEST)

Robert Davis

>> What are the sources canon and non canon for the prevailing political >> environment of Esrolia 1621. Also the recent history.

Peter Metcalfe
> There's a fair bit of canonical stuff.

> Runequest Companion for the map.

Which served as the base for Dario Corallo's map in Tradetalk #4, available on

> Glorantha: Intro p137 for Faction information (Red Earth,
> Old Earth, Warm Earth, Basket, Two Sisters)

> King of Sartar (p148-152) for early events in Esrolia during
> the Hero Wars.

Unofficial or non-canonical stuff:

Various links from Lokarnos (always your friend), use "Esrolia", "Nochet", "Fazzur" or "Hendira" for searching

Lots of colourful detail on

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