-----Original Message-----
>From: "Donald R. Oddy"<>
>Sent: 19/10/05 15:22:40
>Subject: Re: Re: Dragontooth Runners
>In message <> "Richard Crawley" writes:
>>On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 05:00:24 +0100, Donald wrote:
>>> I knew the wierd figure I bought recently fitted into Glorantha
>>> somewhere.
>>> Here's the link to the Reaper site:
>>Sadly, the link seems to point to an unavailable page. What was it?
>The name of the figure is called Karedwyn, Druid and their code is
>2820. I found it using their advanced search on the code and
>also by searching on druid which produced half a dozen results.
>It does look very like the WBRM counter.
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