> The player heroes turned on the crew of the wolf pirate ship and, with the
> help of the islanders slew all of the pirates, and sank their wolf
> ship/boat.
> How pissed off do you think Harrek will be?
I'm going to answer this in a slightly different way, looking at the question more from a MGF approach rather than trying to get inside the mind of Harrek to give a "correct" answer.
Most suggestions appear to have looked at the extreme ends of the spectrum - Santo said
>If you are feeling really mean, you could have Harrek show up in Esrolia
>and have his personal revenge - I wouldn't go this route unless you're
>comfortable with having many of your current heroes dying.
While Greg said
>I think that he'd probably laugh his head off at the losers who were so
>inept that they could not keep their own ship.
In the former case, if their actions lead to a direct confontation with Harrek himself the results are likely to have extremely dire consequences for your campaign (even if some of your PC's survive, you have severely "upped the stakes" in what constitutes a threat to them). Alternatively if he just does nothing at all, it robs their act of some of it's implied heroism, especially if they considered that going against Harrek was a risky/brave move...
So as a suggestion, let them hear rumours that Harrek is upset, but avoid any actual encounter between them and Harrek himself.
They might encounter other Wolf Pirates seeking revenge (A brother/father/son etc was on the sunken ship) - and these pirates will use Harrek's name to inspire fear and obedience, whether or not Harrek knows (or cares) about their revenge mission (Maybe they kidnap one of the PC's and the rest need to rescue him before he is delivered to Harrek?)
Future attack's on places they have visited may appear (or be presented as) Harrek chasing them, or seeking to cut off their support - At some stage they return to the island they defended to find it a burnt out ruin with the villagers slain - a price for their defiance?
Encounters with members of the Society of the White Bear (MoLaD pp50-51) can only increase their paranoia (The society will interpret everything as Harek's fault regardless in an attempt to recruit the PC's...)
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 316
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