>In my house campaign the heroes stayed on the cradle with Garrath
>Sharpsword and met Harrek the Beserk. They were put into service on
>one of the Wolf Pirate ships that was to go onto raid the Right Arm
>Islanders, Harrek and Garrth were sailing east on some other promise
>of adventure.
>The player heroes turned on the crew of the wolf pirate ship and,
>with the help of the islanders slew all of the pirates, and sank their
>wolf ship/boat.
>How pissed off do you think Harrek will be?
I'm not that familiar with Harrek's personality, but if he's at all similar to that *other* well-known mighty-thewed barbarian who tramples the jeweled thrones of kings beneath his sandalled feet, then I'd say:
Did they actually swear to serve Harrek and join the Wolf Pirates, before turning traitor? Then I'd say they've just made an enemy for the rest of their (short and painful) lives. Not only are they dishonourable curs, but this isn't the kind of thing any self-respecting pirate leader can allow his men to get away with. An Example must be made _pour encourager les autres_..
Were they held captive and forced to serve against their will, only to turn the tables on the enemy and defeat them? In which case I think Harrek will respect their ability and strength. It won't necessarily stop him killing them when next they meet, but at least there'll be nothing personal in it... :)
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