>In my house campaign the heroes stayed on the cradle with Garrath
>Sharpsword and met Harrek the Beserk. They were put into service
>on one of the Wolf Pirate ships that was to go onto raid the Right Arm
>Islanders, Harrek and Garrth were sailing east on some other promise
>of adventure.
>The player heroes turned on the crew of the wolf pirate ship and, with the
>lp of the islanders slew all of the pirates, and sank their wolf ship/boat.
>How pissed off do you think Harrek will be?
They had the assistance of the islanders? Harrek, if he hears about it, would consider them to be weenies.
The most crucial question is whether the player heroes killed anybody that Harrek knew or respected. If the heroes killed one Joe Doofus that Harrek knew little about and cared even less for, then they are safe. If the players slew a boon companion of Harrek then he will be after them in a big way. But boon companions are people like Gunda the Guilty and Harrek wouldn't have them away from him.
I think it important to bear in mind the nature of the wolf pirates. Harrek does not order them about in the way that a general does. Rather the Wolf Pirates are a collection of ships with their own independent policy. Usually they go along with anything that Harrek tells them to do because a) he'll kick their heads in if they don't and b) harrek's orders are telling wolf pirates to do stuff they like doing (rape, pillage and plunder). But if a messenger were to tell a wolf pirate that Harrek said to do something unpopular (like patrol the coast of the wastelands for three years), then the messenger simply wouldn't be obeyed.
Furthermore Harrek is not noted for loyalty towards his distant followers. He has already abandoned the Rathori and the Horde that sacked Sog City. He will abandon a Pamaltelan Kingdom in the future. Why should the Wolf Pirates occupy a special place in his heart? The only thing Harrek cares about are plunder, glory and his friends. Anything else is trivial.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 314
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