>> > > After many escapades (including an accidental
>> > > interlude on the wrong side of the Siege of Whitewall),
>> >
>> >And I'd love to hear more about this?
>> Once I work out which is the *wrong* side of the
>> Siege of Whitewall.
>Jaxarte is supposed to be Lunar? So presumably for
>him, the Orlanthi would be the "wrong" side?
Not necessarily, Sor-Eel seems to be in a different political faction from Tatius. Judging by Jaxarte's performance in Esrolia having to hide from Tatius in the Lunar camp should be entertaining.
>Wander over to the whitewall group or wiki
>and I'm sure we can come up with ideas...
>Donald? Can you fit Jaxarte into your maze of minor
>Lunar NPCs somewhere? Can we involve him in one of our
>caravan ambushes?
Better than that, I think Charmanda should be able to find a use for him. Maybe she uses him to get into Whitewall, then he can be on both sides. He's not a Seven Mother's initate is he by any chance?
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------
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