The way I read RQ-2, and other sources I'd say Diamond (as well as tin) is assosiated with the element of air/storm.
For instance, in Plunder (a supplement with magic treasure), we have the lightning bands, which are tin armbands decorated with diamonds.
It fits nicely.
> John Machin:
> I was wondering, assuming that Hepherones' Elemental Philosophy is
> correct and there is a sixth element, where would this fit in the
> Elemental Progression? Would it instead be a kind of neutral "axis
> 'pon which the others turn" sort of thing or would it take a place in
> the cycle, conquering one element while being conquered by another? Or
> wouldn't it fit in at all (thus showing that the Philosophy is
> flawed)?
I'd say the sixth element is the moon, and it fits inside the other five. Neutral in dominanse to all the others.
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