> As narrator, I have decided to introduce some East Isles
>mythology and history by stating the city of Neelampur was once a vassal
>city of the Golden Empire of Mokato, which made it fabulously wealthy
>and exotic, until the tragic Closing.
An interesting choice given that the God Learners ran Teshnos during the Imperial Age. But there's no problem if Neelampur is an enclave like Goa, Hong Kong or Gibraltar.
>I would like to use Sekever, the Anti-Dragon Emperor, as one of the
>major enemy mythologies in my campaign. I've gathered some stuff from
>GIttHW and Revealed Mythologies, but I have a few questions about what
>kinds of powers He would grant to his followers.
Sekever's God is the Black Sun whose cult was described in Troll Gods. Apart from a couple of interesting spells, the
FALSE HEALING - you cast this spell on somebody. Their wounds heal up. But if they don't get proper attention before the spell expires, their wounds will soon reappear.
This would be a good means of assassination in that it can be used to fit innocent people (ie player heroes) up. Simply kidnap the victim before he is due to meet the heroes, chop him up into little pieces and cast false healing. Then send the victim on his way and crackle with glee as the heroes try to persuade the authorities that they weren't responsible for the gruesome gift.
BLOOD STEW - a ritual method of creating a spectre from the components of a meat stew that you've just cooked up. If the components were a trollkin and four dogs, then the spectre will look like a cross between a trollkin and a dog.
The other reference that I know of is that the Huan To were said in the Gloranthan Bestiary to said to specialize in dominate and tap spells as well as worshipping Gods like Ikadz, Vivamort or Malia.
The one thing the Huan To would not do would be to have anything to do with Thanatari magics. That's because the Black Sun fought a famous battle in the waste lands against Tien in what is now the dreaded city of Than Ulbar in the Tunnelled Hills.
>I know Sekeveran organize themselves in occult criminal organizations
>called hexads or tongs.
I think Tongs are an organization peculiar to the Kralori. The Sekeverans of Teshnos will probably have a different organization based on the local cultural background background.
The Teshnan Sekeverans would be likely to believe that Sekever represents the Sixth Flame of Teshnos (thus paralleling Basko's claim to be the Sixth Solar Ruler of Ignorance). While the Kralori Sekeverans will commit crimes with the aim of breaking down the confining paradigm of draconic morality, the Teshnans will be seeking to turn their life-flame black through various concoctions, sacrifices and rituals.
>I also know that Sekever learned Martial Arts from Herespur, so that's
>probably another path Sekeveran cultists can follow. I feel comfortable
>narrating these villians fast and loose, but I would welcome feedback
>from the digest.
One martial art technique would be "Conquering the Great Arrow". This would be a myth of when Herespur and Sekever entered the Heavens. Using it would defend the martial artist against arrows or arrow-magic. A weakness in Sekeveran arts would be fire magic.
--Peter Metcalfe
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