>Concerning the Dwarves and the various Councils/Empires, they seem to have
>always involved. They were in the First and Second Councils, and stayed
>with the
>Broken Council. Then they even seem to have been involved in some way with
>EWF. (I am less sure here.)
>Am I right with this? I realize it seems that this is one group of
>Dwarves, the ones from
>Greatway, that get declared as heretical by the Nida (?) Mostali.
As always, it's more complicated than that. Nida was opposed to the Greatway
participation in the World Council of Friends. However Greatway itself was
split. There was a quarrel among the Greatway Dwarves about what is not known.
I think it was at one level a quarrel over strategy as a Dwarf General,
Pistol, had recently been defeated by Arkat. In any case, the Winning Faction
took over the dwarf places on the Council while the losers went home. The
were then assassinated by the Elves while the Losers contacted Nida and
Arkat's Army and eventually sent an expeditionary force to Dorastor (while the
Nidans stayed home). Why were the Winners assassinated? Perhaps because
the Elves caught wind of the Losers making overtures to Arkat and, not
the split between the Winners and the Losers, concluded that the Winners were
two-faced traitors.
As for the EWF, that's more vague. The main piece of evidence is that
Hardeye wedded a daughter of Pavis. We don't know where Flintnail came
from before this time and he is known not to be the Dwarf of Dwarf Mine, as
that's Isidilian. More importantly, Pavis was not part of the EWF. There's a
secondary evidence of the Sazdorf Ruins which was for an important dwarf
in the EWF but there's nothing draconic about that.
So a fair assessment of Dwarf involvement in the EWF would be that they traded a lot with it but they were not part of the EWF.
>So has there been a group of Openhandist dwarves in and around Dragon Pass
>who have supported every attempt to Unify the Races under one banner? And if
>so, shouldn't they be pro-Lunar now?
They are Openhandists, not barking mad. More importantly Openhandists do not believe that the races should be unified. They believe that outside races can and should help help implement the Plan which is subtly different.
Secondly the Greatway Dwarves have had bad experiences with the World Council. They are not gung-ho on any rainbow coalition this time around.
Lastly the Greatway Dwarves have finally managed to secure a truce with Nida with the rising of the Red Moon. They are not going to jeopardize that with madcap schemes of a fourth council.
--Peter Metcalfe
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