Re: Tribu Autruche de Prax

Auteur: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_...>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 04:56:04 +0100

Pierre Chateil :

> Quelqu'un aurait-il des infos ?

Les anciennes infos tr����������s compl�tes par Mike Dawson, parues dans un num�ro de Heroes magazine, ne sont plus fiables, parce qu'elles vont �tre compl�tement repens�es pour le futur PraxPak (sortira-t-il ... ? ).

Ceci dit :

> Je cherche aussi des carac. d'autruche pour RQ.

Struthio camelus

These strange flightless birds are thought to be unique to Prax, though there are indications that the species was found in Pamaltela in prehistoric times. They serve as the steeds of one of the smallest and most obscure tribes of the Wastes, a group of pygmies called the Ostrich Clan. The warriors normally ride only the male ostriches.

Ostriches can eat anything the other Praxian herdbeasts can, but prefer the seeds of the thornbush. They also eat any other small animals they catch, including insect larvae, termites, and small rock lizards. Lacking teeth, they rely on the grinding action of hard, gritty material in their craws (such as swallowed sand and rock) to break down food. Male ostriches are aggressive, and will attack even their rider if treated badly or even if they are just in a bad mood.

Ostriches are large birds, standing 2.5 metres high and 1.5 metres at the shoulder. Hens are smaller, with STR 2D6+10 (17) and SIZ 2D6+8 (15). Hens are less aggressive, but attack if cornered. Ostriches use the same hit location table charts as demi-birds (see RuneQuest Glorantha book).

characteristics average attributes

STR    2D6+13        20        Move: 11
CON    2D6+6         13        Hit Points: 16
SIZ    2D6+11        18        Fatigue: 33
INT    3          (fixed)      DEX SR: 2
POW    2D6+3         10
DEX    2D6+10        17

weapon    SR    attack    damage
Kick       6     40+5     1D10+1D6
Peck       9     25+5     1D6

Combat notes : An ostrich can attack twice per round, usually pecking 3 SRs after the kick, which can do Slash damage. The Peck does damage equal to damage bonus only.

Skills: Hide 15-1, Scan 60-5, Search 50-5.

Armor: 2 points feathers and hide.

Et, puisque tu es sage, les Monteurs d'Autruches ont :

STR 2D6+1D4
SIZ 1D4+7
INT 2D6+6
DEX 2D6+6
APP 3D6 et :
Boomerang 25%, War boomerang 25%, javelin 20%.

Dagger (used over-handed only) 15%, short spear 20%, short sword 10%, dodge 15%.

Julian Lord

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