Re: les chevaux et leurs mythes

Auteur: Lefébure arnaud <lefebure_at_...>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 19:03:24 +0200

> > Les chevaux sont senses avoir perdus tout
> > un tas de pouvoirs/dons/caracteristiques :
> > * griffes
> > * dents
> > * ailes
> > * crocs
> > * souffle enflamme ?
> > Tout cela est du a des luttes entre l'ancetre des chevaux et divers
> > divinites. Si qqn connait lesdites divinites, je suis interesse.
> Ces divinit�s/monstres ne sont pas nomm�s dans le mythe, autant que je le

Pas d'accord
Ref Wyrms Footprints, Glaranthan Legends and Lore p 61 ; Les Dieux de Glorantha p 45 - 46
YeIm the Rider
YeIm the Rider is another famous aspect ofthe Sun God. The original steed ofYelm was Ring Griffin, ancestor ofthe great race ofsunloving creatures. Ever since that time the cuit lias tauglit the skill of riding fiying beasts (specffically griffins). However, wlien Yelm was siain Ring Griffin quarrelled with the other light gods and his clifidren withdrew tliemselves from being slaves to people wlio rode tliem. Thus it is that so few people ride on the wondrous animais, even wliere the sun is worshipped. The Tale ofthe Horse
One ofthe feuds wbich Ring Griffin had with his fellow liglit gods was over the treatment of his favourite child, Hippogriff. She had been an allyto Splendid Yamsur, eldest son of Yelm, who used to be called The Victorlous. Splendid Yamsur and Hippogriff had taken solemn oaths offrlendship together, but in several figlits Hippogriff was hurt and abandoned by her erstwhile friend, wlio was not called The Victorious afterwards. Hippogriff underwent a series of painful and humiliating experiences during the War of the Gods and the Great Darkness. First slie met Storm Bull in raging baffle and lier proud fangs were broken out of lier mouth so she could no longer bite. In a figlit with Maran Gor, the Eartlisliaker, Hippogriff's legs were broken and lier bronze claws were ripped from lier feet, but Yamsur was able to replace lier feet with hooves. The greatest sore was when Zorak Zoran tore off lier golden wings, laughing as lie robbed lier ofever returning to the sky. But most humiliating was wlien this once great godling was taken and broken by a mortal, Hyalor Horsebreaker. Hyalor was not totally unfit to ride upon her. He was a leader among men and lie also belleved in the long dlsappeared sun. in addition, lie claimed descent from the God Yamsur who was siain by the Devil and claimed that he was freeing lier crippled spirit from death and wislied to make an alliance. He rescued lier by changing lier name and lier identify. Even so man got the better ofthe bargain. She was called Hippoi, or simply horse. Ever since then lier descendants have workecl more for man than man lias worked for the horse. When the sun rose again Hyalor was ready to accept hlm, liaving survived the Darkness througli great faith and courage. The liorse, already used to slavery, leapt to meet lier old master. The pair together received great bounty in the first years, and their lierds and numbers increased greatly with the Blessings of Yehn. This is the origins ofthe Horse Peoples, wlio later became the Steppe Nomads.

Yamsur General of the Army of Light for Yelm, mustered the great defence of many races against both Daxkness and Chaos, but was beaten and wounded by Zorak Zoran (aided by many allies) and was then slain by the Devil. His worship and spirit passed from the world There are still a few known artefacts of his left in the world usually held by heroes living on the Spirit Plane.

> A noter que ce ne sont que certaines races de chevaux, et pas toutes, qui
ont ces
> mythes-l�. Essentiellement les chevaux Pentiens, des Hautes Herbes et
> races chevalines de la Passe du Dragon. A noter que les hippogriffes ont
qqch de
> draconien dans leur mythologie (par ex. �a pond des oeufs au lieu d'�tre
Pas d'accord les oeufs sont du aux fait qu'ils sont oiseau et pas draconien

> Pour ce qui est des Pentiens, ce sont les seuls (pour l'instant) qui
connaissent la
> Qu�te H�ro�que qui permettra peut-�tre de rendre griffes, ailes, et crocs
� leurs
> chevaux...

Dans les info "officiel" oui



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