Un mot de Greg Stafford pour les joueurs français

Auteur: Philippe Auribeau <erfoyel_at_...>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 12:43:09 -0000

Bonjour à tous,

Greg, en tant que parrain de la convention Chimériades, a écrit un message pour ses participants, à l'occasion des 20 ans de Runequest en français,et par extension aux gloranthiens français. Je reproduis donc ici son message, en espérant également vous voir à la convention: "
To my fellow RuneQuesters and other gamers,  

Welcome to Chimeriades!  

I am honored and flattered to be here with you, my friends, fellows and fans, to commemorate and celebrate the 20th anniversary of the appearance of RuneQuest in French. I feel just as excited to be here as I did when I saw that first copy of the game in French. It was even a higher quality than my own publication, with a hard cover on the book and more art work!

The world of Glorantha has appeared in many other forms since then: the computer game of King of Dragon Pass, the RPG of HeroQuest, and now I am working on novels as well (come hear part at my reading!). The world has grown wider and deeper through these different representations. And so, I hope, have our minds and our fantasies and our pleasures in gaming.

I've been active in the gaming industry now for 32 years—most of my adult life. Glorantha has been a mainstay through that period, as has my other dearest game, Pendragon (also published by Oriflam). These have brought me many hours of pleasure (probably added together they equal months or a year by now!), a career, some fame (perhaps even notoriety!) and the side benefits of world travel.

But even more important than those are the many friendships that I have gained through this art of gaming. I am deeply gratified to be present here at this convention and to know that so many old friends will be present.

If you are not one of those old friends, please do not be shy! All my old friends were new once, and I would like to make your acquaintance. Come up and speak to me—I do not bite, and the rumors that I am evil only apply to my game mastering!

So let us join together in gaming, meeting and some excellent French wine and celebrate this occasion. Let us enjoy the moment, and plan to get together again for another one. Will I see you at the 50th anniversary? I hope so.  

--Greg Stafford"

Note: pour ceux qui le souhaitent, écrivez à Greg un message d'"anniversaire" à mon adresse mail. je lui transmettrai à la convention.

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