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Subject: RuneQuest Daily, Fri, 22 Apr 1994, part 3
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From: (John P Hughes)
Subject: Initiation, bits
Message-ID: <>
Date: 22 Apr 94 16:42:11 GMT
X-RQ-ID: 3754

I'm off like a krashkid at a Stormbull temple bash...



My main point being, its not primarily a test, but a change in the 
way you look at the world.  

Humans seem biologically programmed to learn certain things at 
certain times - language is the strongest example. Human cultures 
make use of the psychological and physiological changes of 
puberty to impress upon their young a set of lessons and values. 
This we call initiation. Initiation is a way of cutting someone off 
from one set of attitudes (childhood dependency, ignorance, self-
centred pleasure, stagnation) and substituting another set in their 
place (adult selfdom, gnosis, conscious social will, growth). It tears 
apart one reality and replaces it with another. It is SYMBOLIC 
REBIRTH. Initiation rituals make use of fear, pain, hunger, thirst, 
exhaustion, isolation, ecstasy and transcendence to impart their 

My first point is that (in terran cultures at least) initiation is not a 
test of skill except in the most rudimentary way. One's courage 
and patience may be tested, but not one's jumping or weapons 
skills. (You'll be expected to be reasonably fit and to be able to 
handle a weapon in some fashion - but you won't be considered 
for initiation until AFTER you can do all that). Remember 
initiandes will have been preparing for years, and the entire 
village will have been watching very carefully. Courage and 
dedication count for almost everything, skill levels very little. 

(Major exception: hunting/gathering societies where if you can't 
hunt or gather enough to feed yourself, then you won't survive. 
But here the test is 'scrounge by yourself in the desert for a 
week', not spear 50% check, jump 50% check etc).

My second point is that initiation (sometimes quite literally) 
scares or sears a new way of thinking, a new set of symbolic 
orientations (religious or moral ideas) into your head. Because of 
this, religious symbols ALWAYS take their part, whether or not 
the initiation is overtly cultic. (Our own society is one of the few 
on either world where one can realistically separate religion and 

What I'm suggesting is that rather than a test of skills - the 
explicit game model - initiation is primarily a kind of self-
transforming heroquest. In my own thinking three of the twelve 
major types of heroquest (those of the INNOCENT, ORPHAN, and 
SEEKER) occur almost exclusively during childhood and initiation, 
while that of the WARRIOR must lay its foundation there. And if 
there's one lesson that comes out of heroquest, its that dice rolls 
and skill tests CAN'T recreate the experience.

Initiation is dangerous, and sometimes deadly. I believe it must 
be tailored by the MLD to the individual storytelling and 
transformative needs of questers. Initiation should strip them 
down to their core, and will begin their reintegration. It should 
release their adult personalities, both the noble and ignoble sides. 
And it should align them absolutely with the values of their 

Some netters have argued that you can be an adult without being 
initiated. I believe the opposite, that the uninitiated (or those 
initiated 'elsewhere'), whatever their status, cannot be completely 
trusted, for their loyalty and devotion to the clan can only be skin 
deep. Initiation literally scars that loyalty onto the depths of your 
soul. Hence the almost universal distrust of strangers and 
foreigners in the tribal world.

(If I wanted to be electronically incinerated, I'd suggest that 
initiation tells us that we have to LEARN to be human, and that 
we have to ACTIVELY CONSTRUCT a 'reality' from the infinitude of 
possibilities that surround us (this we call 'culture'). Those who 
have lost true initiation (i.e. us) - it went the way of the extended 
family - either create their own (the street gang model) or wade 
through life buffeted by meanings and loyalties, unanchored and 
relatively adrift. However, I want to stick to the direct 
implications of the topic so I won't mention it :-).

So... the 'non-abstracted interpreted-interaction heroquest-
transformation low initiate pantheon initiation' faction? Am I a 
party of one?


Joerg said:

^ The God Learners with their large scale 
^ experiments are unparalleled on Earth (except for a few small 
^ Jesuit experiments in South America).

And China. I would have thought the entire rise of European 
Protestant rationalism, with its techo-industrial ethic, its abolition 
of the magic and pagan elements of Catholicism, it's philosophical 
and empirical traditions, it's expansionary/colonising ethic and its 
subversion of traditional beliefs (including - with the rise of 
historical bible scholarship and form criticism - it's own) was a 
pretty good take-off of the entire GL trip.

'Cept of course Protestants said reality was absolute, and its OUT 
THERE, while the GLs said its fluid, and its IN HERE.


Thanks for the reminder about 'were' ducks Joerg. Wheww.

And your list of Rokari Seshnel all-in-the family roleplaying 
suggestions was BRILL. Up there with "Argrath & the Devil" and 
the RQIII 'Dropped Oil Lamp Table' (:-)) for maximum ideas per 
square centimetre. The more I play, the more I'm convinced that 
family/community/clan based play is the way to go, rather than 
lone adventurers out for themselves and their god. In fact for 
Heroquest, I think clan-based is the only way to go. (I'm writing 
some TOTRM column stuff on this right now). Your list has been 
taped to the inside cover of my campaign book, even though I'm 
an Orlanthi Far Pointer. Great Stuff.



Sandy said

> I consider this thread closed unless you can find me an
> example of a large-scale religion that thinks it's good to rob and
> kill on an everyday basis, w/o special permission from God. 

Just a few years ago tens of thousands (some estimates 250,000) 
innocent men, women and children were murdered by citizens of 
the United States, mostly in a painful and horrific (though 
mercifully quick) manner. The murders occurred under the 
express orders of the US legislature. Those who committed the 
killings represented a cross-section of most of America's major 
religious traditions, though there were some exceptions. American 
tv crews covering the mass-murder were ignored and finally 
fired by their network employees. Yet apart from the Quakers, I 
know of not ONE single American religious body to have spoken 
up against the murder (though organisations of concerned 
individuals from many of these bodies have, and I thank them).

The murders occurred in Iraq, and the killings (the results of 
'surgical' bombing raids- masterly propaganda that) occurred 
because one US-sponsored henchman (Hussein) turned against his 
old masters and threatened America's cheap oil supplies.

Now Christianity, Judaism and Islam all have theological notions 
of what constitutes a 'just war', and in this case the necessary 
preconditions were NOT fulfilled. Most nations have codes of 
conduct (and in most cases legislation) relating to the protection 
of civilians in wartime, not to mention having signed the 
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Now this example was chosen only to illustrate a general principle 
- I could use examples from most other major world powers fairly 
easily. My point is that this entire religion/morality discussion 
seems to run aground because:

a) it believes humans think rationally, and therefore cannot hold 
two contradictory ideas at the same time.

b) it ignores the difficulty we all have in separating what's good 
for our selves/family/community/nation (our what we are told is 
good for us) from what's good for everyone, and therefore 
MORAL. Oh for the smug simplicity of historical and moral 

c) it ignores the way simplistic moral formulations fail to deal 
with the profound ENVIRONMENTAL causes and limits of human 
behaviour (e.g. is infanticide murder when an extra mouth might 
mean death for a whole family? Is it the profound lack of salt in 
their diet that leads to Yanomamo aggression, rather than their 
religion - or perhaps the effects of colonial predation and 
missionisation? Can ANYONE tell the absolute truth, and live with 
the pain and suffering this would cause, even though every major 
moral system has injunctions against lying? etc etc. See alt.skeptic 
or alt.atheist or any of the more honest religious newsgroups for 
examples ad infinitum ad nauseum).

Now moralists have been struggling with these questions for 
thousands of years, and the jury is still out. Me, I'm concerned 
with the seriousness of these issues, obviously, but suspect we 
aren't going to make much headway with them. Flame Off? 
(tendency for throwaway line curtailed by delicacy of entire 


Subject: The Light of the Dark Side
Message-ID: <>
Date: 22 Apr 94 02:52:23 GMT
X-RQ-ID: 3755

Re: Stein Illumination
IMHO, the Socratic method works better at exposing the
inconsistencies and lack of grounding in people's beliefs.  I got
a lot of this in law school, but the professors always stopped
after you had successfully argued back to first principles.  But
why do we have first principles?  Why do we value consistency? 
Why am I asking so many questions?

Re: Discovered Tricksters
Greg Stafford's answer appears in the booklet coming from David
Cheng (flogged in X-RQ-ID: 3689).  It is not much like those
proposed here.  In short, a trickster needs a powerful patron to
keep people from lynching him.

jonas says (BTW, these multiple >>>'s get very confusing. 
Wouldn't quote marks be easier?):
     "Only if you find me a quote where Eurmal actually _uses_
     Death, instead of just giving away franchises. I will admit
     that I have no basis for the other aspects you mention,
     apart from my 'feel' for what a Eurmal trickster would get
     up to."

At the risk of irritating people by referring to non-published
sources, let me point out that some expansion of the "murderer"
aspect exists in print, and one day may be published.  But, if
you look at page 71 of GoG, you'll see "Strike (Murderer
aspect)."  And on page 70, "a murderer" is listed as one of his

Re: Malkioni as analogues of Christianity or Islam


Trinity (some say all    single high god     single high god
equal, others not)

Central figure represents:
incarnation              prophet             prophet

Legal teaching:
reaction to old law      new law given       new law given

Important role-models:
saints                   saints              saints (Shi'a only)

Cause of internal divisions:
heresies                 heresies            dispute over
                                             succession to

Teachings about What the World Is About:
messianic                non-messianic       non-messianic
millenarian              non-millenarian     somewhat millenarian
salvation from sin       laws from God       laws from God

church/state relations:
separate                 unity          unity

many                     maybe          few 

Reaction to Visible Gods:
Adopt some as saints,    Same as Xian   Reject
condemn rest

Attitude toward the world:
In but not of            In and of      In and of

Central rites:
Eucharist, baptism,      ???            fasting, pilgrimage,
marriage, unction,                      prayer 5 times/day,
ordination, penance,                    alms, confession of
confirmation, etc.                      faith

Dietary prohibitions:
no meat on Fridays       ???            pork, alcohol, blood,
                                        anything which dies of
                                        itself, 4-footed
                                        predators with canine
                                        teeth, birds of prey with
                                        talons, asses, mules,
                                        ravens, bustards, etc.

I see as much similarity between Malkionism and Islam as between
Malkionism and Christianity.  

BTW, there is a little-known schism (nay, RANKEST HERESY) in the
stodgy old Presbyterian church these days.  Seems that some
members of the church have added a new deity to the religion, by
name of Sophia.  She represents the feminine dimension of the
divine, I guess--I don't have full details.  (Really, I'm not
making this up--I couldn't have come up with something so
simultaneously mundane and shocking.)  It's like something out of
Credo!, where you can end up with a Sol Invictus creed.

"There is but one god,
and he is the sun god,
Ra!  Ra!  Ra!"


From: (Aden Steinke)
Subject: Lunars as Protagonists
Message-ID: <>
Date: 23 Apr 94 02:00:24 GMT
X-RQ-ID: 3756

Martin says:

>I'm supprised at the assumption that most people use Lunars as protagonists.
>I've never had a Lunar PC or played a campaign set in Peloria.  The campaigns
>know best have never taken a Lunar turn.  I ran a Lunar campaign once, for one
>adventure.  What are other persons' experiences and preferences for milieu?

I agree, in the 12 or so years (I think) that we have been playing RuneQuest
here in Wollongong, our current campaign (set in 1623 in Prax/Sartar) is the
first with Lunars as a major feature.  My character in this is a Dara Happan

All of our previous RQ campaigns have been in Pavis / Prax / Balazar but set
slightly earlier than this, so players have been followers of Humakt, Yelm,
Yelmalio, Black Fang, Daka Fal, the Orlanth panthion, Pavis, Zorak Zoran,
Aldrya and Zola Fel, but not of Lunar cults such as 7 mothers and Etyries.  We
have had Duck, Troll, Aldryami, Agimori and Baboon player characters but no New

Now that I am playing, and enjoying playing, a civilised person from a literate
civilisation, for once, it is most terrible that Greg Stafford has released KoS
with it's huge umpires fudges bringing down the Lunar Empire, so my character -
if the campaign goes as long as our last one, 6 or 7 real years, 20 or 30 game
years - will have little real incentive to progress as a Lunar unless we depart
from the time line rather markedly.

The gaming is different, even though we are in basically the same part of the
world, since as Lunar citizens we cannot just go around committing banditry and
tomb robbing in the pursuit of the twin gods of experience rolls and wealth.B-)

