Bell Digest v940727p1

From: RuneQuest-Request@Glorantha.Holland.Sun.COM (RQ Digest Maintainer)
To: RuneQuest@Glorantha.Holland.Sun.COM (Daily automated RQ-Digest)
Reply-To: RuneQuest@Glorantha.Holland.Sun.COM (RuneQuest Daily)
Subject: RuneQuest Daily, Wed, 27 Jul 1994, part 1
Sender: Henk.Langeveld@Holland.Sun.COM
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X-RQ-ID: Intro

This is the RuneQuest Daily Bulletin, a mailing list on
the subjects of Avalon Hill's RPG and Greg Stafford's 
world of Glorantha.  It is sent out once per day in digest

More details on the RuneQuest Daily and Digest can be found
after the last message in this digest.


Subject: How Vinga Became a Red-Haired Warrior
Message-ID: <9407261231.AA05050@Sun.COM>
Date: 26 Jul 94 12:31:00 GMT
X-RQ-ID: 5302

Hi All
	Here is the story which I told at Convulsion '94.  
	I originally started to write it for the digest in response 
	to some of the views that had Vinga as a sort of watered 
	down version of Babeester Gor.  In the end I decided that 
	it was a good story in its own right and I decided to save 
	it for the story telling at Convulsion (then a couple of 
	months off).  So now I have told it there it is time to 
	post it here, as I promised I would do at the Con, so here goes.  

How Vinga Became a Red-Haired Warrior

Copyright Lewis Jardine

Vinga was a daughter of Orlanth.  She was tall and beautiful with hair 
the colour of ripe barley. When she was a girl she took the women's 
path and did womenly things such as cooking, weaving and caring for 
the stead.  She was a resourceful cook, her nimble fingers could tie 
a secret knot and her strong limbs made light work around the stead.  

But Vinga grew bored with her proper tasks and would gaze longingly 
at Orlanth's warriors practicing in the fields.  She admired the 
graceful flight of the arrow, the power behind the lofted javelin, 
the straightness of the spear and the sword whistling through the air.  
She also wished to be able to join the warriors after the feasts when 
they told tales of their acts of bravery in the battles they had fought.

Finally, after the great kingship feast in Storm Season, Vinga summoned up 
the courage to ask Orlanth whether she could become one of the warriors.  
Orlanth was amused by the request as he did not think that women could 
become warriors.  However, he pronounced a judgement to humour Vinga.  
He took her out of the hall and showed her a great stone, which only the 
strongest men could lift.  He placed a sturdy bench beside the stone and 
told Vinga that if she could lift the stone off the ground, up into the 
air and place it on the bench then she could join the warriors.  

So in front of the clan Vinga girded up her skirts and squatted down by 
the stone.  She took three deep breaths, wrapped her arms arround the 
stone and heaved.  Vinga's face went red with the effort and even her 
hair took a slightly reddish tint but the rock only rocked slightly.  
Eventually she had to give up and everyone chuckled.  It took three days 
for Vinga to get over the strain and embarrassment and for her face to 
finally return to its proper colour; her hair however retained a  
reddish tint.  

Vinga went back to her duties but she still yearned to join the warriors 
as they practiced and boasted after meals.  To this end Vinga spent 
every free moment she had in the barn.  There, safely out of sight, she 
would practice lifting heavy objects and performing other exercises 
to make her strong.  She spent a year at this and by the end she was 
as strong as she was ever going to get.  Her muscles were bigger and 
her walk became different.  

At the next great kingship feast in Storm Season, Vinga summoned up her 
courage again and asked Orlanth whether she could become one of the warriors.  
Orlanth was less amused by the request, as he still did not think that 
women could become warriors.  However, he had been asked this in front 
of his clan and so he repeated his judgement despite his personal 

So in front of the clan Vinga took off her skirts revealing a short tunic 
and tight trews.  This shocked some people.  
Others noticed her large firm muscles which had been hidden by her dress.  
Orlanth was one of these and he wondered whether she might succeed this time.  
Vinga squatted down by the stone.  She took five deep breaths, wrapped her 
arms around the stone and heaved mightily.  Vinga's face went red with the 
effort and her hair became slightly redder but the rock only lifted a little 
way off the ground.  Eventually she had to give up and everyone laughed, 
some with relief.  It took five days for Vinga to get over the strain and 
embarrassment and for her face to finally return to its proper colour; her 
hair however retained its rudy tint.  

Now Vinga had reached womanhood and was very fair despite the rudy tint 
to her hair.  Many men came as suitors and although she took some as 
lovers she rejected all their marriage proposals.  Princes came from 
foreign parts with offers of great wealth, but these she rejected too.  
Finally Eurmal tried to seduce her with sweet words and intimate 
gestures.  When these were rebuffed he became lewd and would have 
tried to force himself on Vinga but she picked him up by the scruff 
of the neck and shook, him as he was far lighter than the stone which 
had bested her.  After lecturing him on his behaviour, Vinga kicked 
Eurmal on the behind so hard that he flew for a league.  In the air 
he changed into a sheep and was mistaken for one of Heler's clouds, 
moving very fast and against the wind!  Later, in order to soften 
his landing he changed into a lump of cow dung.  Barntar was unlucky 
enough to be standing where Eurmal landed.  Still Barntar had the last 
laugh as he ploughed Eurmal into the soil to fertilize his crops.  

After he had eventually wormed his way free from the fertile soil and 
pulled himself together Eurmal swore to trick Vinga into marrying him.  
Later he approached her in the guise of a very hansome Prince Lameur, 
dressed in the richest and most elegant clothes.  He formally asked for 
hospitality and when Orlanth granted it he gifted him with seven huge 
barrels of mead and seven huge oxen.  Orlanth order one of the barrels 
of mead to be broached immediately and toasted the Prince with a foaming 
flagon of it.  Lameur responded in kind although some remarked later that 
he wore a funny look as he downed the mead.  After the meal Lameur 
approached Vinga in the Great Hall and showered her with rare and 
beautiful gifts.  

On the first night he gave her a dress of the finest silk with sparkling
gems sewn into it.  Vinga was taken in by this show and wore the dress 
when she danced with the Prince.  She was surprised to the lust in his 
eyes when he looked at her despite the fact that the dress quite properly 
covered her from neck to knee.  However, he did nothing improper and Vinga 
put his expression down to youthful vigour.  

On the second night he gave her a rare silver filligree and pearl necklace, 
but warned her not to touch it as it was very delicate.  She was quite taken 
with Prince Lameur's generosity and wore the silk dress and silver necklace 
while she danced with him and even allowed him to kiss her at the end of the 
evening.  Again she noticed the way he regarded her and his lusting looks at 
her body.  Again she put this down to his hot-blooded temperament.  

However, on the following morning, while she was washing her face in a clear 
pool of water she noticed the reflection of the necklace in the water.  It 
appeared to be no more than a daisy chain.  When she felt it carefully she 
could feel the petals, cunningly disguised to look like silver filligree.  
When she bought out the silk dress and looked at its reflection in the pool 
she found that it was made of dusty cobwebs with the dried bodies of dead 
insects still bound to them.  A closer look revealed large holes in 
embarrassing positions.  

That evening Vinga filled a wineskin from the pool thinking that the 
water held some magical property.  She also put her short tunic and 
tight trews on under the dress as she did not fancy the Prince leering 
at her body again.  That night Orlanth welcomed her remarking that she 
seemed to be  getting on so well with the handsome Prince Lameur.  
Vinga coyly replied ``It would appear so.''  

Later during the evening Vinga poured the pool water into her glass and 
rose to greet Prince Lameur.  He glanced at her body and looked strangely, 
the lust of the previous days was replaced by a puzzled expression.  
People in the Great Hall were shocked to see her throw the contents of 
the cup she was holding over him.  Fortunately, he dextrously dodged 
the worst of the deluge and came away only moderately damp.  
Vinga stared at him with a puzzled expression on her face.  Nothing had 
changed, the magical water had not worked - he still looked the same!  
The whole stead stared at her.  Vinga blushed very red, right up to the 
roots of her hair, which went slightly redder.  

Then Vinga spied his reflection in the puddle of water on the floor.  
She seized Eurmal by the throat and threatened to roast him over the fire.  
The others in the hall tried to stop her but she would have none of it.  
Orlanth reminded her of the Guest Laws, but she replied that this man 
was not subject to any laws.  Issaries asked whether she might be 
persuaded to release him.  Vinga replied that unless he showed people 
the truth she would cook him.  Meanwhile she held him over the hearth 
to stop the warriors from trying to wrestle him away from her.  

Prince Lameur refused to comment saying that he was being foully treated 
and that he would take word of this to his kin in distant lands.  No one 
dared approach the pair because Vinga firmly held the Prince and threatened 
to plung him into the fire if anyone came a step nearer.  Her face was 
very red with anger and her hair went even redder.  

Lhankor Mhy was called to discover the truth and Chalana Arroy was summoned 
to treat Vinga who had obviously gone mad.  Lhankor Mhy arrived in his 
usual unhurried manner, but Chalana Arroy ran to treat her patient and 
got there first.  Vinga allowed Chalana Arroy to approach her as she 
trusted her and anyway, Vinga knew she was by far the stronger of the two.  
After examining Vinga, Chalana Arroy pronounced that she could find no 
disease or madness in Vinga, unless the disease was frustration and 
the madness was anger.  

Finally Lhankor Mhy arrived and begain to summon his great magics to 
find the truth.  The air buzzed with the arrival of his magic, then 
the Hall vibrated as it searched out illusion and lies.  Then there was 
a crack as it pierced the veil of deceit.  Vinga was left dressed in her 
short tunic and tight trews, covered with dusty cobwebs and wearing a 
wilted daisy chain.  She held aloft Eurmal who was wearing only dirty rags.  
Finally the clan noticed that they were eating dung and drinking piss.  
With a roar the warriors jumped up and tried to cut Eurmal to pieces.  
Vinga was too fast for them and blackened Eurmal's eyes, shoved his head 
up his arsehole and kicked him out of the door over the hill and into 
the muck heap by the barn.  

As Eurmal crawled out of the heap he swore to get even with Vinga.  
He decided that he must lay his hands on her body and sleep with her.  
Later he disguised himself as a piece of fine thread for the new 
nightdress Vinga was sewing for herself.  Vinga was pleased to find 
the colourful thread in her sewing basket as it would brighten up 
the garment.  She skillfully wove the thread into the dress and tied 
it in place with her secret knot.  

That night she tried out her new dress.  It was slightly itchy and 
almost seemed to squirm against her skin.  However, Vinga put this 
down to its newness and went to sleep.  That night she had strange 
dreams of a lewd man caressing her body and while she seemed unable 
to get away from him, he seemed unable to do more than just paw her.  
In the morning she decided that the dreams were probably caused by 
the itching of the new nightdress and resolved to give it a thorough 
wash.  She took it down to the pool and plunged it under the water, 
holding it down until it was wet through.  Then she hoisted it out 
and scrubbed it hard with soap.  She thought she heard a cry but there 
was no one there when she looked around.  She continued scrubbing and 
then plunged the garment under the water again to rinse out the soap.  

That night the nightdress still seamed to squirm against her skin 
and she still had the bad dreams.  The next morning she resolved to 
wash the garment even more thoroughly.  During the process she again 
heard the crying and again could see no one.  Also during the rinsing 
she heard a coughing; again, no one was there.  

That night the nightdress still seemed to writhe against her skin 
so she took it off and wore her old one.  The next morning 
she awoke after a peaceful night's sleep and resolved to sort out her 
new nightdress once and for all.  She started off by washing it as before, 
again hearing the crying and coughing.  This raised her suspicions.  
Then Vinga pounded it with heavy stones from the riverbed during which 
she heard screams coming from the garment.  Then she wrang it out 
eliciting strangled gurgling.  Finally she took it towards the mangle 
to squeeze all the water from it.  

Before she could start the nightdress shimmered before her eyes and she 
saw Eurmal, bruised, half drowned, wrung out, his eyes red from soap, 
tangled and tied with her secret knot in the weave of the nightdress.  
Vinga laughed at his predicament and threatened to mangle him if he did 
not help her.  Eurmal readily agreed to do anything if she would just 
let him go.  She asked him to tell her how to lift the heavy stone in 
order to become a warrior.  He thought hard and told her a scheme.  
Vinga then let Eurmal go but left his tongue tied so that he could not 
tell anyone of her plan.  

At the next great kingship feast in Storm Season, Vinga stood forth again 
and asked Orlanth whether she could become one of the warriors.  The other 
clan members muttered ``Oh no, not Vinga again'' and Orlanth was even less 
amused by the request, especially after the trouble with Eurmal over the 
last year.  However, he had been asked this in front of his clan and wanting 
to appear fair and consistent he repeated his previous judgement despite his 
personal misgivings.  After all, he could not blame Vinga for wanting to 
wring Eurmal's neck after the trick he had played.  Also, her quick action 
had saved his fool from being cut up into tiny pieces while at the same time 
giving him a fitting punishment.  Additionally, Orlanth was fairly sure  
that she could not lift the heavy stone, although he was a little worried by 
Vinga's confident manner.  

Vinga errected three stout poles about the rock and tied their tops together 
above it.  She then draped a sheet around the poles saying it was for modesty! 
Vinga then stepped inside with nothing but what she was wearing.  There was 
movement inside the makeshift tent, followed by seven loud breaths and 
squeaking, heaving and grunting sounds.  Some time later Vinga stepped out 
panting; just finishing recoiling her long braids, her face was bright red 
and her hair was scarlet!  Everyone begins to laugh thinking that she had 
failed again.  Then Vinga swept aside the sheet to reveal the stone had been 
moved on to the bench.  The assembled warriors gasped with amazement, for 
only a few of them could have lifted the rock.  And Vinga smiled her sharp 
little smile.  

Orlanth went white in sharp contrast to Vinga.  He drew a deep breath and 
blew forth a strong wind in vexation.  Eurmal chose this moment to walk up 
to Vinga gesturing for her to untie his tongue.  Orlanth, sensing something 
unusual, demanded that she restore Eurmal's voice after realizing that his 
fool had been uncharacteristically silent throught the feast.  Vinga untied 
Eurmal's tongue and he whispered the scheme to his chieftain.  Orlanth then 
thundered forth his verdict that Vinga had proved her right to train with 
the warriors, even if she had used trickery.  However, she had yet to earn 
the right to sit and boast with them at feasts.  This she would be able to 
do after her first battle.  

Strangely enough, Vinga was always asked to stay behind and guard the stead 
rather than accompanying Orlanth to his battles.  Eventually, Vinga got her 
chance to fight, but that is another story...


I would like to thank whoever posted the Vinga helps Elmal at the Hill of Gold 
article, because while I disagree with the bit about Zorak Zoran scalping her 
the article served as the impetus which drove me to write this one.  I also 
agree that she gets on well with Elmal as both of them get left to guard the 
stead while the other warriors go off to have fun!  


Subject: Convulsion - quick impressions
Message-ID: <>
Date: 26 Jul 94 14:13:19 GMT
X-RQ-ID: 5303

Hi from Bob Luckin !

Well, Convulsion 94 is over, with the weeks of anticipation succeeded by
two and a half days of gaming, gophering and generally having a good time
meeting people.

I got home at 4 am on Monday; in places on the drive home the M1 was almost
as foggy as Kahar's Sea...  Spent the rest of the day catching up on sleep and
rushing into town to get my photos developed before the shops shut.

Unfortunately I'd run out of film by the end of the trollball session, so I
couldn't take any pictures of Alex and Joerg squaring off (this took place
immmediately afterwards).  Got a nice one of Joerg at the start of his
trollball match though; also one of Sam Phillips lumbering down the pitch on
a breakaway, hammer in one hand, and trollkin (well most of it) in the other.
He was stopped just before he could score...  I understand the weather
for the game was a little bit warmer than at RQ-Con, although conditions were
most un-troll like (ie. Yelm was about as glorious as he gets in the UK).

I missed a lot of How the West was Won as I was running a Cosmic Encounter
tournament during the second half, but I did get back just in time to see
Gaiseron the Mystic being elected as head of the unified church.  He was
played by David Gadbois, looking like Ken Rolston's twin after whitening his
beard...  There were some excellent costumes - and hats.

The turnout at Geo's was a little disappointing; I guess there were too many
conflicting events (some of tournaments were still running).  But the
tastiest food was without doubt the Sartarite (not Scottish) haggis supplied
by Sam Phillips, which deservedly won the prize in the savoury category.

Lewis Jardine won the storytelling contest with a fine tale about Eurmal,
Orlanth, and Vinga, which he has promised to post here soon.  Remind him if
he forgets !  Nick Brook was second, and Oliver Dickinson got an honourable

It was great being able to meet old friends, and just as good to put faces to
some of the more respected names from the Daily.  Henk presided at the
"meet the Daily/Digest" session, and I have photos which prove he has gained
the doubled communications (Issaries) rune !

Thanks to all the organising committee for putting together such a great
event, and to all the guests for making it such fun.  Now I wonder if I'll
be able to make it to California next year...

Cheers, Bob

PS to Mark Foster - David Gadbois does read the Daily, and no doubt will
                    contact you when he gets back from the UK and sees you
                    want to get in touch.
Bob Luckin      "Able was I ere I saw Corflu"


Subject: Missing people
Message-ID: <9407261510.AA26429@Sun.COM>
Date: 26 Jul 94 14:51:00 GMT
X-RQ-ID: 5304

Hi All
	There have been a number of messages recently looking for various
people such as StePHen Martin and David Gadbois.  They are in England after 
Convulsion.  I can't remember who they are staying with at the moment but 
a number of them read the digest so messages should get through.  Other 
poeple over here are Greg (for 2 weeks), Sandy, MOB, Mike Dawson (will be 
home soon) and David (I'll work my socks off at ANY Convention) Cheng 
(thanks for all the hard work David).  If no one replies and your need is 
urgent mail me personally and I'll try to find out where they are.  

	Also Henk, Joerg, Hans, Alex and many other digesters it was great 
meeting you all at Convulsion.  It was one of the few bits of the Con, 
apart from the auction which I can remember.  I look forward to your 
write ups of the Con so that I can find out what I missed!  Remember 
those of you who took part in How the West was One we want your character 
write ups for the Con Report.  

	All the Best


From: (Simon Basham)
Subject: == No Subject ==
Date: 26 Jul 94 18:09:11 GMT
X-RQ-ID: 5305

Well Convulsion has come and gone so move over and let us Brits back on 
the list.

Greg was as always captivating, eloquent and funny whenever he spoke. He 
revealed the answers to many Glorantha questions and raised many others. 
I hope they see there way onto the list or at least into TotRM, I believe 
David Cheng was taping them.

On Heroquesting

>Jon Green says:

>>Endorsed!  Please, peeps, where's the material on HeroQuesting?  GREG?

>Well, I was at the Con and I am pleased to be able to tell you that Greg 
>said that he will write them 'next year' ;-) 

>All the best,


I also remember him saying 'maybe' afterwards so that's a double ;-) ;-).

At least now we all know who Arachne Solara is..........


"Is all we see or seem, but a dream within a dream"
E A Poe


From: (Joerg Baumgartner)
Subject: Overstating
Date: 26 Jul 94 20:43:34 GMT
X-RQ-ID: 5306

"Andover" in X-RQ-ID: 5244

> >In the great God debate I am closer to Joerg's position than to Devin's.
> But Joerg is overstating his position a bit 

Of course I am. I do agree with your interpretation almost fully and will 
take this as my closing words on this topic.

Of course, if anybody wants to challenge me, I'll be ready next 
Convulsions, or earlier, to defend my views like I did versus Alex.

(BTW, I'm a Lutheran)
--  Joerg Baumgartner