Re: Chapters 1-3, Ethlirist

From: Weihe, David <Weihe_at_...>
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 11:20:30 -0500

> Geeze, thoseBHT guys are nasty. Like an unholy cross between Cromwell's
> Puritans and French Heavy Cavalry. But its good that there's a Sorcery
> using Culture close to Dragon Pass (yes, I know the Lunars use it but
> its not their main ModusOperandi).

What do we need the French Heavy Cavalry for? Cromwell's cavalry was just as effective as the rest of the New Model Army. Disiplined cavalry, < shudder > ! That ought to be an automatic edge to attacks vs Hold Fyrd or Maintain Phalanx, right there.

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