Re: Went the Day Well?

From: Michael W. Ryan <mryan_at_...>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 15:46:37 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Bruce Ferrie wrote:

> Michael:
> That's good. I was talking to my players last night, and I now have them
> all excited and interested in the new system.

> Cool! What have you got in mind for them?

Well, they're kinda new, and I don't have the time to make up adventures, so I had started them on the Rabbit Hat Farm scenario from "Sun Dome County". They've already gone through one session. I'm going to have them re-create their characters and continue on. I think I might lower the power level a little.

This is going to definitely call for a liberal dose of "Make S*** Up" on my part (I'll need to be winging a Yelmalion priest wannabe, a Praxian warrior and a Hsunchen warrior, but what the hell. I'm figuring between the solid examples from Chapter 3 and knowing the requisite cultures, it shouldn't be too horrific.

Michael W. Ryan, MCP, MCT     | OTAKON 2000
mryan_at_...              | Convention of Otaku Generation |

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