RE: Animist Hero Creation

From: Serabian, Malcolm <malcolm.serabian_at_...>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 14:39:43 -0400

i asked:
> Looking at the Grazer character creation in the Yu-Kargazant keyword is it
> correct that only shamans can use spirits from the Yu-kargazant tradition?
> Does this mean that for example warrior cannot have a fetch of Flaming
> Weapon for example?

roderick answered:
>>The Yu Kargzant tradition is the "religion" of male Grazers, La-Ungariant
>>is the "religion" of female grazers. As such, the spirits of the YK
>>tradition are those that all male grazers will have access to for fetishes
>>or integration. Just as there are clear age lines in the Grazer culture,
>>there are limits on which "family" of spirits you can have - a young Rider
>>only has access to Dastal the Hunter's spirits, frex. As a Grazer ages, he
>>does not have to release his previous age group's spirits, so a Warrior
>>starting character can still have spirits from Dastal's group, if he
>>wishes. Also note that Age groups have restrictions on Integration of
>>spirits - Riders can't do it at all, while warriors and above are allowed
>>to integrate. Shamans are "outside" the Age groups, so even a young shaman
>>may contact any spirit in the YK tradition (as long as he's male...).

i'm still confused on this issue.

Under the Grazer Magic Keywords section it says: "All grazers have access to spirits from the Yu-Kargzant or La-ungariant traditions depending on gender."

Later under the Yu-Kargazant Tradition:Worshippers section it states: "Male Grazers. Only shamans have access to the spirits in this keyword, in addition to the spirits of the great spirits of this tradition described below."

The traditional spirits listed in the Yu-Kargazant tradition are: Ancestor Spirits, Fire Spirits, and Stallion Spirits. My question is do any males other than shamans have access to these spirits? Can other males other than shamans use fetishes with these spirits inhabiting them?

The two quotes listed above seems to conflict on these questions. I understand that riders have access to Hunter Spirits, and Warriors have access to Battle Spirits and Bravery Spirits. My question again is do they have access to Ancestor Spirits, Fire Spirits, and Stallion Spirits?

thanks for the help.


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