Re: Pirates and Musketeers

From: gamartin_at_...
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 10:43:10 -0000

> Or 7th Sea. I rather like its built in reward system for being
> dramatic -- the awarding of Drama Dice. I found En Garde and
> Blades to... mechanistic, I guess.

Well, now that you mention it, I love that idea too, and I have been toying with comething similar. I wonder if people could tell me what they think.

The principle is that the GM puts a cup of white dice on the table and encourages players to spend the dice as a karma pool, to reroll actions or the like. Bit like a common pool of hero points. If/when the players start blowing the atmosphere (monty python gags appear a popular target for retaliation) the GM tosses a black die into the cup. Later, the GM can pull out the black die in the same way as players, on behalf of villains. The GM is encouraged not to make this directly retributive, so that its not necessarily the player who invoked the penalty who gets the impact.

I see no particular reason this could not operate as writ above in HW games - any comments?

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