Using Two Weapons? (again)

From: Briquelet_at_...
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 05:01:31 -0000

I agreed to allow the player of a Humakt devotee to select Dual Sword Combat as his main Close Combat subskill. After all, the Taraltara (sp?) mystics can do it, so I figured a true son of Humakt could also find a way to develop the skill. However, as per the previous discussions on this topic, I did not want this to unbalance my game. I would love some semi-official or official feedback on how this skill should be handled. Here are some ideas I have been trying lately...
  1. The dual wielding character must take a -10 improvisation penalty when trying to avoid/deflect missiles in combat while using this skill.
  2. From the start of any round initiated by the dual-wielding character (at the time of his AP BID and declared action) until the time of his next initiating round, this warrior must select either an offensive or defensive use for his second weapon.
  3. If he selects offensive use, then any opponent targeted by the dual wielding character is at -3 to his defensive skill roll...treated basically as though facing an additional attacker, even though only one sword will strike. Furthermore, the dualwielding character will be at a -3 to his own defensive roll because he is exposing himself by engaging both weapons in an attempt to harm his foe--he is essentially overextending his body and focus. (I am assuming that one blade is being used to feint, distract, etc.)
  4. If the dual-wielding character has selected a defensive stance, he will gain +1 to his armor rank (more if the weapon is iron), as though employing a shield and will suffer no handicap to his defensive roll (once again, unless employing his dual wield skill against an opponent with a missile weapon, as stated previously).

These are the rules I have been using, but I would really appreciate more official input. What do you think Roderick?

Thanks in advance,

John Briquelet

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