Re: Re: Heortling Literacy

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 19:36:31 +1200

Roland Volz wrote:

>My firm belief is that Alakoring and Heortling are alike enough that
>Orlanthi from one area can understand Orlanthi from the other; they
>may sound as different as proper British English and New Orleans
>American-Creole mix, what with loan words and such. But with effort,
>people from one area can understand people from the other.

Only at the very basic level IMO. A good comparison might be German and English, or Polish and Russian, or Spanish and Rumanian.

But since this is the hero wars, I assume that the Orlanthi can boost mutual understanding by liberal use of Tradetalk.

--Peter Metcalfe

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