Heroquests and the like

From: Roland <rmv1_at_...>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 12:01:38 -0000

Lots of good stuff here.

Oliver Bernuetz:
> Obviously multi-level HQs like the LBQ need multiple paths but
> does the initiation HQ?

Sure! Otherwise Loko Moko would'a screwed things up for good back there. (Am I the only one who thinks Lokamayadon's nickname makes him sound like a villain from the Powerpuff Girls?)

> Seems reasonable but if you're supposed to be duplicating the
> actions of the gods aren't you pretty restricted to a linear
> approach.

"There's always another way." I thought that's why Greg never writes down the same quest the same way twice...

Peter Larsen:
> Remember, just because you don't get a cool power is no reason to
> do the quest. Someone has to make the barley grow, the rivers flow,
> and the Sun come up.

Here, here! Too much empasis on the feats and powers that can be gained through HQ, like they were stocking stuffers at Christmas; few remember what Christmas actually represents. Does no one see that this is the hubris that brought down the God Learners? And will spell doom for the Lunars?

Graham Robinson:
> The farmer ploughing his field is heroquesting (Barntar Ploughs the
> Field) but of such a low level it isn't really recognisable as such
> (but does include all the ritual elements.)

What's more, he gets the same benefits as Barntar: Crops to Feed the Family 5W and All Is Well with The World 1W.

Alex Ferguson:
> Inevitably it's impossible to publish every variant on every quest,
> o anything like that.

I'd buy a book that had a section on regional variations of the LBQ, short, three mediums and a full (different from what was already published), and a section on mechanical descriptions of all the myths from the first section, and a small section on Examples of Play and (more importantly) Design.

Roland Volz

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