Re: Re: Qualitytable

From: Alex Ferguson <abf_at_...>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 16:57:12 +0100 (BST)

> > The above question is a perfectly "legitimate" one in game terms,
> > and one that's indeed quite likely to _arise_, in some sort or
> > another, if you're playing a game set in Glorantha, rather than
> > in a neat little Platonic world of HPs and APs that rarely relates
> > to the same.
> Not really. The "In Glorantha" question is "How many Cows do I get
> of I add 10 to 16". The "What's my Wealth" is a "platonic world"
> construct.

My point is that it's only "a platonic world construct" if it insists on being utterly _unrelated_ to the game-world question.

> Since the method of increasing your Wealth score in game
> terms is not just to throw Cows at it, and in gloranthan terms you
> have to more with your cows than just hoard 'em in the byre/field in
> order to see any benefit from them, the question is pretty
> meaningless in any terms.

Bah. Look, cows may not be sufficient for effective wealth; they may not be strictly _necessary_ for wealth. Nevertheless, they, and come to that any obviously "materially valuable" quantity you come across in game play are, in a reasonable set of circumstances, substantially likely to have an effect on your wealth. I'm proposing that it is a useful tool to quantify that "likely median effect", nothing more. I'm relatively confident that a hard-line "Stuff that, it only matters how many HPs you cough up" approach will simply further alienate the many people who are _not_ greatly gripped by the wealth rules as they stand, and will return with great alacrity to the "I have X pennies; I want to buy something that costs Y pennies; I now have X-Y pennies" approach which I, like Julian, think really would be a retrograde step.

> >>>Or, if I add cows 'valued' at 10W to my Wealth of 5W, how many
> >>>cows is that?
> > That's a another diversionary attack. Cattle _are_ a unit of
> > currency for the Heortlings, it's specious to attack them for not
> > being a sufficiently good one. If it makes you feel any less likely
> > to light the blue touchpaper attached to straw men, reformulate
> > the question in terms of some less "fuzzy" currency. (Such as
> > "lunars", either as in the good old bad old RQ2 days, or indeed in
> > the empire itself.)
> OK. I add Coins Valued at £10 to my Wealth of £5. How many Coins do
> I have.

We were talking about wealth _ratings_, I seem to recall.

> Cattle are a medium of exchange for Heortlings, not currency...

The distinction are hardly key for our present purposes (if at all).

(It's also been pointed out to me privately that TR (my source thinks) _does_ define what "a cow" means, for the purposes of "I'll give you 6 cows for that" purposes, so the "what's a cow?" question comes pre-answered.)

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