Re: Wealth and possessions...

From: MCGINNESS, Stephen <mcginnesss_at_...>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 11:34:42 +0100

> If (in an extreme case) my Heortling horse breeder with his prime
> ability wealthy 5W1 spends a single hero point to cement a small
> herd of goldeneye breeding mares and stallions together with volunteer
> Grazer herders to breed them, do I raise my wealth by a mastery, my
> relations to various other groups (grazers, horse breeders, horse
> raiders) by at least a notch, or what? Even spending a hero point for
> each horse or follower I'd get away cheaply.

Along the lines of what James Hawkins suggested would this best be cemented by a single hero point and adding

Herd of Goldeneye Horses 13

to your character sheet. This would provide you with the benefits etc that such a thing would give you - could be used to augment wealth checks, social influence etc checks...

Keeps things simple but provides wealth benefits among the other things you reckon such a herd would provide you. I suppose you could also take the opportunity to spend hero points 'related' to the acquisition to increase wealth and relationships.


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