Re: Re: veneration

From: Alex Ferguson <abf_at_...>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 16:31:44 +0100 (BST)

Der Nickster:
> Are you saying that a sorcery-user who misapplies veneration to an animist
entity will only receive animist-like powers from it? That seems to contradict the Misapplied Worship rules, which IIRC suggest that e.g. an animist who ecstatically worships a deity will receive an animistic spirit of some kind by doing so -- not an affinity or feat.
> But I could be wrong, and I don't care all that much either way, frankly. Roll
on HW2 sans Misapplied Worship, sez me.

Is that an expectation, or a hope?

Here's Misapplied Worship a la Alex. And no, this isn't going to be very "simulationist". ;-)

You always get magical abilities appropriate to the "type" of magical practice you're performing. So if you're using an animist method, you invariably get Talents. (The only exceptions would be those where it was "fuzzy" in the game world what the method _was_ (hrm, is that theism with a bit of ecstacy thrown in, or was it animism with some bonus sacrifice?), or where for game-mechanical convenience one describes a given effect as it it were of a different magic system, "cos it's a nifty game mechanic".) (i.e., I think the HW treatment of Urox, where one can get Talents by purely theistic _methods_ is a little gratuitous in this respect.)

This may be more or less "effective" or "appropriate", depending on the (apparent) "nature" of the portion of the other side being "addressed" in that manner. Long experience indicates that ecstatic worship of the Invisible God is a losing proposition. Theistic approaches to dragons haven't been wildly successful. This could be the "standard" double cost/-20, or any handy ad hoc description of how difficult it "ought" to be in the game world on a case by case basis. In other words, it's not really _necessary_ to assign a strict "world category" to an entity simply to measure the efficacy of a given method -- though clearly it's possible, if it floats your boat.

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