Re: HW as a concept, and _Adding_ abilities, wealth and wells

From: gamartin_at_...
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 08:51:27 -0000

> Garreth (?) :

One r

> But surely everyone is * quite * aware that Wealth is the minority
> top-hatted control of our Means of Production !?
> Arise Heortlingas ! Topple the boss-chieftains, and reclaim your
> own !!

Nice. I have not gone beyond orthodox cost & management accounting, thanks.

> Wealth is quite simply a Hero's total sources of income, whether
from his work,
> his assets, or his protector(s), or whatever.

That was the point I was making.

> > The people with whom you have relationships could die.
> > the organisations with which you have relationships could be
> > destroyed.
> OK, the "unlike other abilities" part of that statement is
> The point is that any amount of Wealth can be gained by 1 HP,
> as can new allies or followers, for the same reason : they're not
> permanent attributes of the Hero but temporary ones.

1 HP of wealth can be acquired permanently for 1 HP. The "narrative pretext" for this change is not important to the system.

> Which should be a feature of _a_ game of HW, and certainly not
> something to dump into the rules. I don't want HW books telling
> me about the laws (AKA modern economic * theories *) of supply
> and demand.

Too bad: such rules appear implicitly in every RPG to date, becuase they all have currency systems. HW, at least, is a much better approach than most.

> Yeah OK. I already cover that in my rules. So does HW1 actually.

I know.

> > disasters would do to Wealth).
> Yeah, but it's my gut feeling that Wealth is a more obvious
> A "front-line" ability as it were.

Why? Do I sense an implicit economic theory here?

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