Re: Re: Increasing abilities [was: Wealth]

From: Benedict Adamson <badamson_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 18:30:07 +0100

gamartin_at_... wrote:
> I suspect newbies will have much less difficulty realising that their
> Wealth is no more explicitly detailed than their Strength than
> And there is a system in place -
> HP cementing, of the gold block, of "too many" cows, of whatever.

Err, many of the points raised have been explicitly about problems thrown up by the cementing rules.

Roderick himself (one of the HW authors) has suggested *changed* rules on this list to deal with some of the problems raised.

The Enormous Gold Block 10W2 was an example I raised to show some of the problems by *variant* rules.

So, there is no such system 'in place'.

A Newbie Narrator will have the basic rule books. Not Roderick's changed rules. None of the advice available from people on this list. If that Newbie Narrator has a powergamer or munchkin player, they are doomed.

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