Re: Re: Increasing abilities [was: Wealth]

From: Alex Ferguson <abf_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 22:39:41 +0100 (BST)

Ian Cooper:
> IMO I would say that winning the dragon's hoard is part of the story
> and as such the narrator looks at the living standard chart, picks a
> wealth that he thinks fits your new standard of living and increases
> your wealth as appropriate. He may not even charge you HPs (I
> probably wouldn't because, of course, I might take it wawy again).
> This is not a 'hero gets to improve at end of episode' increase but a
> narrative change in circumstance. Smaller victories were wealth is
> tested or gained can be handled by HP increases.

"How many HPs it costs" is really a separate issue, which is why I'm bugged by those who present it as the be-all-and-end-all of how to handle this in game. (After all, the rules explicitly support treating such things by "directed increases", entirely finessing the issue of what's "as a result of game world events", and "as a result of the narrative", by in effect assrting their local identity.) The issue under (not very constructive) debate is _how_ to pick that number, especially in the awkward case where neither your "old wealth" or your "new wealth" utterly dominates the other (or similar cases for when you HQ for an increase in an existing ability).

Incidentally I have "taken away" (or at least, reduced) abilities that were "paid for" (or part of the character 'design'), if events seemed to indicate it. But granted I'm much slower to do so that for 'uncemented stuff'. I don't see it as an immutable distinction, though -- it makes no sense to have characters "authored" in a vacuum.

> The question may arise What is an appropriate increase in wealth.
> That is I guess why some people want a table. I'm happy to go by the
> cultural information. We know that a carl has 42 cows, a plough team
> and stead and is probably prosperous. Again YMMV.

Trouble is this gives us exactly one "data point". It's a good data point, though, and exactly the sort of thing I'm arguing in favour of. Given half a dozen of them, and a debugged version of the "buying resistance chart" of HW infamy, and you have in effect everything I'm asking for.

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