Re: Re: Run away

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 14:36:42 -0800

> Wouldn't clever narrating require some modification of what
> an "Offensive" or a "Defensive" edge is?
> So in a slug fest yer armour is a defensive edge vs. weapons.
> But it might become an offensive handicap when bidding against a
> naked sprinter.

A nice way to do it - especially if the player has "heavy" as a modifier to get that extra +1 Armor rank...

> > The most important thing to remember if GMing an attempt to flee is
> > that Close Combat is NOT a suitable ability for preventing someone
> > from fleeing. Either impose a hefty improvisational penalty or (my
> > preference) do not allow use of Close Combat at all.
> -but don't the rules suggest that leaving a combat should require
> completion of that extended contest (a Hero Wars equivalent for
> the "attacks of opportunity" or "parting shot" rules that many games
> use to make sure that leaving and entering melee is a risky
> proposition -- i.e. turning your back on an well armed enemy)

Correct. But this is a chance to re-define the parameters of the contest. If "Close Combat 17" isn't doing it for you, maybe "Movement Affinty 5w" will let you live. If you start the contest and find out that your opponent has ^24 armor, don't stick around waiting to get down to 9 points before trying to leave, get out of there (or do something else) as soon as you find out.

One thing to remember - an Edge doesn't give him extra AP, it just makes his AP usage more efficient, so you shouldn't be in too dire of straits in the second round when up against someone wearing Enchanted Iron-banded Inhuman King armor. Going up against Stormbringer is another thing entirely. Get out. Get out *now*!


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