Tentacles News December: Tentacles 2002

From: Fabian <fabian.kuechler_at_...-weimar.de>
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 19:17:55 +0100

Volume 3, Number 1, December 2001

~~ S l u r p F o l k s ! ~~

Welcome to the December Tentacles News Post, featuring all the latest Tentacles news and views. Feel free to forward this newsletter to friends, allies and sworn enemies. If you do not want to receive this newsletter or have a new email address please send a notification to: fabian_at_...

~T e n t a c l e s 2 0 0 2~

Tentacles 2002 is on the horizon, huzzah!

~Tentacles 2002~

Hero Wars, Elric! and Cthulhu Game Fest
17th-20th May 2002
Castle Stahleck, Germany

Thanks to Judy Routt and Paul Holt the Tentacles Website is up and running. Check it out:


~R e g i s t r a t i o n~

You need to register in order to attend Tentacles. You can do this online.


We have redone the registration form so that you do not need an email program to send the form. It should work for everyone, hopefully.

Registration starts 1st January 2002 and closes 31st March. Make sure you sign up early this time and tell your friends!

~C o s t s~

The price for 4 days and 3 nights of Tentacles at Castle Stahleck with breakfast and dinner is 95 EU.

Because of changes in the booking arrangement we will no longer be able to accept payment at the door. You can pay with your credit card.

~D o u s a f a v o u r~

Some of you have multiple email addresses on our mailout list. Please let us know which of them can be removed. If you get a new email address please notify us.

~N e w E m a i l~

Make sure you send mail to:


Happy New Year!




~Tentacles Convention~
http://www.Tentacles-Convention.de fabian_at_...
~Tentacles 2002~
Hero Wars, Elric! and Cthulhu Game Fest 17th-20th May 2002 Castle Stahleck, Germany

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