Re: Re: Ability advancement rate

From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_...>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 16:14:59 +0000

>As characters become more powerful, more of the episodes they are in
>are heroquests, so more of the HPs the player has to spend come from
>heroquests. It works out OK. There is no 'easier route'; the episodes
>of a powerful character are just as difficult as those of weak
>characters, from the player's point of view. HPs are not 'training
>points', representing how many hours of pumping iron your character
>has done. HPs are not an attempt to simulate training rules, so they
>do not provide a way to (say) become a Super Hero merely by training

Then why have rules for hero quests and gaining skills and magic that way? I like campaigns to be (partly) driven by the desires of the players, and making them want to go heroquesting is an important part of it. Spending hero points every week is safer FROM THE PLAYERS POINT OF VIEW than hero questing to gain the same skill. The rules interfere with the world here, by providing a steady, easy, predictable, means to constantly improve your skills, without having to seek heroquests or whatever to get what you want.

>Yes, but where do the HPs come from? As your PC approaches godhood,
>the episodes your character is in successively involve Super Heroes,
>Demigods and then gods.

But this isn't how we know it works in Glorantha. Arkat didn't wander along, getting a little better every week. He heroquested, hard. He gained new knowledge, unearthed dark secrets, broke the rules. He improved in leaps and bounds. That to me is more heroic. And that, to me, is discouraged by the current rules.

Graham Robinson

Albion Software Engineering Ltd.

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