Re: When does the contest begin?

From: Michael Schwartz <mschwartz_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 17:01:59 -0400

Benedict Adamson wrote:

>Someone suggested that silently killing a sentry
>in one blow, to sneak through a gate, consisted
>of a long Sneak versus Listen contest, with the
>killing blow being a coup de grace at the end...

I proposed a similar extended contest in response to someone's questions about how to handle their player-heroes' attempt to assassinate Fazzur Wideread. I outlined a contest in which a band of heroes use their various abilities to strip away Fazzur's magical defenses, elude or eliminate guards, identify ideal vantages from which to attack, etc. with the result of this contest determining whether (and what kind of) a die roll weould be needed by the triggerman to actually kill Fazzur.

The results ranged from "It's a coup-de-grace, no roll required" (complete victory) to "Make a Ranged Combat ability test" (major victory) to "Roll your Ranged Combat in a simple contest versus the Lunars' Watchfulness of X" (minor victory) to "A suitable opportunity for the shot never presents itself and you must abandon the attempt" (tie) to "Your plot is discovered and you must succeed in a suitable ability test (marginal defeat)/simple contest (minor defeat)/extended contest (major defeat) to escape" to "Your plot is discovered and you are captured" (complete defeat).

Is this what you had in mind, Benedict?

Michael Richard Schwartz | Language is my playground,
mschwartz_at_... | and words, its slides and
Ann Arbor, Michigan  USA | swingsets. -- yours truly

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